Last Thursday I took a walk around the Pool in Central Park near the apartment for the first time in months. My recovering knee and the fact that I don't have a dog anymore are to blame. I really miss the early morning and evening walks that used to be a daily part of my life. But I am reluctant to get another dog until my life and work sort themselves out a bit. Anyway, here is a shot from the magical bridge at the end of the lake that spills over a waterfall before making it's way through the Loch and into the Harlem Meer. So beautiful.
A quick snapshot from my bedroom window today during a beautiful thunderstorm that drenched the city. Love the fire escapes and 104th St. Community Garden that I look out onto here on the upper west side. The smell from the rain and quality of light was excellent. Bottle it up.
Another nice walk with the cats around the property and onto the Alpine Haven trail a bit. They stick so close to me, like they know there are things that want to eat them in the forest, it's funny. Let's hope the beasts keep away.