Saturday, March 07, 2009

Times Square Steps

I sit in Santa Fe this morning awaiting a workshop next week and was going through some recent personal pics and found some stuff from the new red stepped TKTS store in Times Square that are cool. I really do love this architectural structure/folly. It gives you such a great place to just chill and take in the great people watching and all the signage. It is made up of 27 steps and rises 16 feet high, housing the store underneath. Great interesting example of form following function. Perkins Eastman designed it based on a competition-winning concept by architects John Choi and Tai Ropiha. It opened in October and really has transformed the space. It will also be interesting to see how this is affected by Bloomberg's plan to turn this part of Broadway pedestrian-only in May. Times Square will basically become an urban park. Cool.

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